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Chevron enters new phase at Kazakhstan project

Oil Gas

Tengizchevroil (TCO) has reached a new milestone, with the start of operations at its Wellhead Pressure Management Project (WPMP) at the Tengiz Field.

TCO is a joint venture, which is half owned by Chevron, the maker of the Texaco lubricant range.

The Tengiz Field, which is the size of Houston in Texas, initially had wells operating at high pressure. Like with any oil and gas field, though, the pressure has reduced over time.

TCO Project Manager Micah Coston drew a parallel with when a champagne bottle is uncorked, and the champagne initially spews out at force before settling down. Maintaining the productivity of aging fields is therefore a focus of the technological advancement in the oil and gas industry.

The WPMP has therefore been introduced to keep its processing plants running at full capacity under this lower pressure. The flowing pressure is reduced at the wellheads before being increased to supply the existing plants.

The project represents the latest development in steadily increasing production from the field over the last 30 years.

TCO’s production operations manager, Steve Kovacevich, said about the project:

“The WPMP will help keep our existing plants full and maintain reliable performance at these facilities. This noteworthy accomplishment is a testament to the talent, skill and capability of our ‘One TCO’ Team here in Tengiz.”

TCO has set out a Future Growth Project, which is expected to begin operations in 2025, and the WPMP forms part of this. TCO believes this will enable it to increase its production of crude oil by 12 million tons each year.

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