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Chevron marks milestone in Gulf of Mexico

Marine 2 scaled

US-based oil major Chevron has celebrated the 500th million barrel of oil equivalent being produced from the Tahiti Field in the Gulf of Mexico.

Since 2009, Chevron has been producing at Tahiti, and it is now the sixth-biggest deepwater asset ever in the US Gulf of Mexico by total output of oil equivalent.

Nevertheless, maintaining strong output levels for the last 15 years has not been simple. Further developments have included infill drilling, water injection and new reservoir drilling.

The company recently converted some production wells into injection wells and started injecting water into a deepwater well in the Gulf for the very first time. Tahiti is expected to keep producing until 2045 thanks to these upgrades.

Steven Larkin was a geophysicist involved with discovering the field’s potential. He reminisced:

“I had a mentor who said to me, ‘I want you to understand that this doesn’t happen very often, and it may never happen again in your career.’ I took that to heart…When you get an opportunity to participate in a success, it’s very exciting.”

Chevron, which also makes grease and lubricant products under the Texaco brand, says developments like this are important for meeting the world’s growing demand for energy. It says its assets in the Gulf of Mexico produce oil and gas at one of the lowest levels of carbon intensity in the business.

Chevron operates three platforms in the Gulf, including Anchor, which produced its first oil earlier this year.

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