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Chevron to implement wearable tech to protect workers

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Together with Epicore Biosystems, Chevron has trialled using a skin patch to help its frontline workers stay healthy by monitoring their hydration levels.

Workers in the oil and gas industry often work in extreme and demanding environments, and staying adequately hydrated can be challenging.

Kyle Denny, who works in Chevron’s emergency response team as a chief operator, volunteered to test the device during training for firefighting in southern Texas. He said that:

“You push yourself in these trainings, and it’s very hot in south Texas. To top it off, you probably have 50 to 60 pounds of gear on, so you start to feel fatigued quickly. This patch made me more aware of what I was drinking and when I was drinking it.”

Chevron, which also makes Texaco lubricant and grease products, has been working on the wearable device with Epicore since 2020. Two years later, it began trialling an enhanced version that communicates information to a smartphone.

The Connected Hydration device is a skin patch with sensors to detect the wearer’s hydration level and other markers. It then communicates this information to a paired smartphone to inform the wearer of the exact amount of water to drink, as well as point out if any electrolytes need replenishing.

Chevron is also planning to implement another wearable device that enables workers to “hear” through their bones in high-noise environments, so they can keep their ear protection on. The company says such innovations are a key priority for enhancing the safety of its workers.

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