Malaysia-based energy and lubricant company Petronas has announced that it has achieved significant success in exploring and appraising new resources, both around the Malay Peninsula and further afield.
May saw a notable discovery while exploring for oil and gas in the Bekok Deep-1 well in Malaysia. The discovery marked a noteworthy landmark for the energy sector in Malaysia, because it demonstrated the great potential for hydrocarbon production in the wider play. Indeed, tests on the well yielded positive results with a robust flow rate for hydrocarbons.
Further afield in Suriname in Block 52, the Sloanea-2 appraisal well drilled back in June has yielded good results. ExxonMobil, the maker of the Mobil gear oil range, has an equal stake in the block.
The two companies are now looking at potentially developing a project involving a standalone floating liquefied natural gas vessel. Petronas is also looking at an integrated development strategy for the block.
Mohd Jukris Abdul Wahab, the upstream chief executive officer and executive vice president at Petronas, said everyone at the company was:
“…extremely pleased with these breakthroughs, as they reaffirm Petronas’ commitment and expertise to providing exceptional value through substantial discoveries in Malaysia and internationally, driven by strategic and innovative approaches. These milestones underscore Petronas’ ongoing initiatives to enhance our exploration endeavours in selected focus regions and strive for sustainable resource replenishment.”
Petronas says it is committed to taking advantage of advanced technologies when exploring for hydrocarbon resources. It says this will help deliver dependable and cost-effective energy as the world progresses through the ongoing energy transition.