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TotalEnergies helps preserve natural carbon sinks

A birds eye view of frost covered trees split by a snow covered road

France-based TotalEnergies has announced that it is to invest in sustainable forestry to help preserve forests as natural carbon sinks.

To this end, the company has signed an agreement worth $100 million with Aurora Sustainable Lands and Anew Climate. The former is an owner of forests and a specialist in carbon-stewardship, while the latter is a leading climate solution provider.

Together, they will seek to develop productive forests in a sustainable manner by not harvesting heavy timber, transitioning to more sustainable and ultimately increasing the capacity of these forests to collect and store carbon from the air.

TotalEnergies’ vice president for nature-based solutions, Adrien Henry, said about the new deal:

“We are thrilled to partner with such experienced specialists as Anew Climate and Aurora Sustainable Lands, who develop high-quality projects aimed at the sustainable preservation of natural carbon sinks, which is essential to achieve carbon neutrality.”

In addition to preserving forests as natural carbon sinks, TotalEnergies, which also makes the Total coolant and metalworking products, says the projects are expected to deliver further benefits, such as conserving biodiversity, preserving natural habitats and improving water and soil quality.

The company said it welcomes the guidance issued by the US Government in the form of its Voluntary Carbon Markets Joint Policy Statement and Principles, and pointed out that its efforts are in accordance with them. While TotalEnergies is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions where possible, it will use the carbon credits generated by such projects to offset its remaining Scope 1 & 2 emissions.

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