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Best practices for oil mist systems

Oil mist systems are a great tool for helping to reduce the levels of oil waste generated in an industrial setting. They are also able to improve the reliability of any equipment they are used in

conjunction with.

Aside from these two factors though, oil mist systems are a terrific option because they tend to require only a small amount of maintenance and inspection, which means that they cut a lot of hassle out of any operation that utilizes them. However, it is important to note that, if you are using an oil mist system, you will need to understand the workings of your system, its build and how it works. It is also important to choose the right system and have it installed by someone who knows what they are doing.


In order for oil mist systems to work correctly, it is important to place them roughly within 600 feet of process pumps. The primary 50 feet of supply piping needs to be slanted back towards the generator so that any excess oil will find its way back to the sump, thus decreasing the amount of oil waste. The remainder of piping should be either sloped back towards the mist generator or any low areas with a drain port, so that oil can be trapped.

Oil droplets

Ideally, oil droplets should be between 1-3 microns, and have an oil-to-air-ratio in the region of 1-to-200,000. Oil mist also needs to be in the range of under one pound per square inch, and should have a low velocity so that droplets are unable to collide and coalesce into bigger droplets before they reach the lubed components.


Once you have your oil mist generator up and running, it is important that you have it regularly inspected and maintained, so that it will continue to function at its optimum capacity. Key components that should be inspected include:

  • Air filter
  • Regulator
  • Separator
  • Air heater
  • Oil reservoir
  • Reclassifier
  • Mist fitting

It is a good idea to get a fully qualified person, with lots of experience in dealing with oil mist systems, to perform any checks and inspections.

It is also important to check air separators and air filters very regularly, as they will need to be kept clean so that a regular, clean supply of air can be pumped into the oil mist system.

Collection tanks also need to be looked at carefully, so that oil does not begin to pool in the system.

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