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Chevron showcases innovations on television show

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US-based oil major Chevron recently demonstrated some of its innovations on the television programme Tomorrow’s World Today, which shows on The Science Channel.

The vice president of the Rockies Business Unit at Chevron, Kim McHugh, appeared on the show at the company’s operations in Colorado, which is the number-four state for oil-production in the US. Around 80% of this oil comes from Weld County on the Denver–Julesburg Basin.

Chevron, which also makes the Texaco grease and lubricant products, has been scaling up its operations in Colorado to meet the growing need for energy in the world. At the same time, it has been applying innovative methods to reduce the carbon intensity of these operations.
McHugh said about this:

“We aim to grow our oil and gas business and lower the carbon intensity of our operations. Many energy solutions will be needed, and we believe the world will still require oil and natural gas.”

Chevron’s facilities in Colorado are based on next-generation designs. Compared to older facilities, the use of surface area has been reduced by 95% and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are more than 90% lower. Safety and precision has also been enhanced through remote drilling, so workers no longer need to operate equipment on the rig floor.

The company says it cut its onsite GHG emissions substantially by designing its facilities to use power from the grid. One facility even has its energy needs met by a 999 kW solar array, which could avoid an estimated 1,000 metric tons of carbon emissions next year alone.

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