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How CPI Lubricants Reduce Maintenance Costs

CPI Fluid Engineering

A market leader in the field of lubrication, CPI Fluid Engineering has achieved its status and reputation through attention to detail, understanding user needs and being an industry innovator.

It is dedicated to the research and development of advanced lubrication and is constantly pushing the boundaries with the high standard of products it supplies.

CPI’s certified technicians are accomplished in multiple disciplines like chemistry and engineering, but also possess in-depth system knowledge that allows them to tailor state-of-the art solutions to deliver significant user benefits.

With an understanding that every enterprise works to improve its bottom line, CPI designs lubricants that promote reduced maintenance costs. In the following passages, we will examine how this objective is achieved and look at the qualities of the lubricants it supplies which help companies decrease expense.

Understanding the connection between lubrication and maintenance costs

The price of lubrication is always a factor to consider. However, buying a low-cost solution can be a false economy. For a start, operators find that they will need to use a larger volume of a low-quality lubricant to achieve effective lubrication. Purchasing a more expensive but advanced solution can not only see lubrication stores last longer, but also see onsite operations achieve far superior performance. This means that less time is wasted on lube top ups, work rates are higher and mechanical downtime is lower. More effective lubrication also ensures that equipment is better protected, extending its active service life and cutting costs for repairs and replacement parts while protecting investment in expensive machinery.

Reduction in lubricant use

CPI Fluid engineering lubrication products are designed with low volatility in mind. As a result, onsite maintenance teams need to replenish oil less frequently as lubricant consumption is greatly reduced. This attribute mitigates oil thinning producing longer drain intervals but also improves protection levels for parts, with more durable film forming over them.

Extended lubricant lifespan

Lubricants from CPI are also designed to retain their key characteristics for longer. This means that equipment is not just being serviced by high levels of lubrication and protection, but also from special additives included in formulas which allow them to perform effectively in more severe operating conditions, like an extreme pressure (EP), antioxidant or viscosity index (VI) improver.

Enhanced efficiency

Boasting high levels of lubricity, CPI’s fluids provide optimised lubrication for a wide range of different mechanical equipment, systems and individual components. All moving parts are fully lubricated, allowing them to move freely and easily, which increases operational efficiency. The better equipment performs, the less energy is required to run it, which also reduces operating costs for companies.

Sealing systems and parts

CPI Fluid Engineering lubricants can serve as a seal in between the higher-pressure sides and lower-pressure sides of mechanical systems. They also create a robust seal over individual key components, protecting them from unwanted contaminants like iron oxide (rust). The result is enhanced system reliability and decreased downtime, as this superior protection keeps components secure and systems functioning effectively improving maintenance standards and lowering costs.

Cleaner operations

Lubricants engineered by CPI are also oxidatively stable. This means less sludge, varnish and other deposits building up in the system. Not only does this reduce the amount of maintenance necessary to keep equipment running smoothly, but it also helps lengthen the life of the system.

Wear reduction

CPI lubricants are designed to provide premier levels of protection against wear. Many metal machine parts appear smooth, but under a microscope their surfaces are rough with metal peaks called asperities jutting from them. When two moving surfaces operate in proximity, asperities can connect leading to friction and heat, which causes parts to become worn. CPI lubricants ensure parts can work together without abrasion and damage occurring, reducing maintenance costs

Prolonging equipment lifespan

Industrial equipment represents a sizeable investment for operations, so keeping it running in optimum condition is always desired. While modern machinery is designed for many years in use, a poor choice of lubrication can see its active service life significantly shortened. CPI fluids are specifically designed to extend the lifespan of mechanical systems and their components, helping companies receive a solid return on their investment through additional years of active service.

Experts in Lubrication

With over four decades developing, producing and supplying cutting-edge lubrication solutions, CPI Fluid Engineering serves countless applications. Its products include gear oils, vacuum fluids, compressor oils, food grade lubricants, refrigeration oils, through its leading ranges like Emkarate RL and Solest, and heat transfer fluids (HTFs) in its Paratherm range; all are designed to promote reduced maintenance costs.

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