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UK manufacturing found to have been extremely adaptable

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According to a five-year study published by the Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) and Protolabs, UK manufacturers adapted amazingly well in a period of unprecedented challenges.

Over 700 IMechE members and manufacturing executives in the UK were surveyed yearly for the report, which was titled How Five Years Shaped the Future of UK Manufacturing.

The process started in 2019 and covered a period that included the UK’s exit from the European Union and the COVID-19 pandemic.

Protolabs’ managing director, Bjoern Klass, said about the effect of these events on UK manufacturers:

“This period has stress-tested UK manufacturing, but the sector has shown amazing adaptability. Under extreme pressure, businesses have worked hard to secure their future; for example, recognising the need to upskill their existing workforce, rather than waiting for the people with relevant STEM qualifications to become available.”

While high quality lubricants like the Kluber Klubersynth polyglycol-based gear oils can keep equipment running efficiently and reliably, UK manufacturing is now focused on Industry 4.0, where digital processes will help ensure the UK manufacturing sector remains globally competitive. The report finds that the sector has made considerable progress in this regard.

When the participants were first surveyed in 2019, only about one in five said they were prepared or very prepared for this transition. By 2023, this had roughly tripled to 65%.

Manufacturers also have greater confidence in their ability to train staff themselves in digital manufacturing, with only 33% of participants now citing a lack of such expertise as the greatest challenge, compared to 70% in 2019.

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