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An overview of Paratherm NF heat-transfer fluid

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Paratherm NF is a leading heat-transfer fluid for industrial processors of food, thanks to it having been formulated to provide long service even in demanding conditions.

This extremely pure, food-grade fluid can be used in liquid phase, closed-loop heating systems operating at temperatures of up to 357°C.

Being a specialist in heat-transfer technologies, Paratherm’s business is oriented towards supplying and supporting solutions that meet the unique needs of users of heat-transfer fluids. As such, Paratherm NF has been formulated to deliver the properties that customers want most from a heat-transfer fluid. Its low viscosity helps support rapid startups, and it has superb pumpability at low temperatures.

Compared to food-grade fluids of a similar nature, it also has unbeatable thermal stability, and its leading thermal efficiency is made possible by its low viscosity and high density. When compared with other food-grade fluids, it also has significantly greater resistance to fouling, thanks to its ultra-pure formulation.

You can also expect years of service from Paratherm products when they are used as instructed. Of course, critical production assets should be set up and maintained by qualified engineers, and systems that take advantage of Paratherm NF are no exception. Nevertheless, a number of severe maintenance issues—such as heater coking, cold spots, fluid gelling and plugged pressure sensors—can be avoided by preventing the fluid from becoming oxidised. This is why Paratherm recommends that a nitrogen blanket be installed on the expansion tank. Side-stream filtration can also be helpful in promoting the long-term health of systems and fluids.

Paratherm also recommends that this fluid is periodically monitored, usually on an annual basis, to identify any issues in a system before they lead to a catastrophic failure. When the product is introduced into an existing system, it should be tested within a month of startup with the new fluid to establish a baseline for comparison in future annual tests. With new systems, the first test should take place between 9 and 12 months after startup.

While newly deployed systems typically do not need to be cleaned before introducing Paratherm NF, it is advisable to analyse the fluid of existing systems before replacing it with a fresh batch of Paratherm NF, to determine whether the system needs to be also flushed or otherwise cleaned prior to introducing the new fluid.

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