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Paratherm HE vs. synthetic heat transfer fluids

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Systems for liquid heat transfer continue to rely on synthetic heat transfer fluids when natural fluids may be unsuitable.

Examples of this could be if you need the vapour phase, if the application is below room temperature, or the system operates at temperatures of around 315°C or greater.

Nevertheless, you do have a choice in fluids, so here are some reasons why the highly efficient Paratherm HE fluid could be a better choice.

Why choose Paratherm HE over synthetic heat transfer fluids?

Lower costs

Firstly, Paratherm HE is typically cheaper than a synthetic fluid; sometimes dramatically so. The disposal and handling costs are also much lower.  Moreover, the service life for Paratherm HE is as long as, if not longer than, many synthetic equivalents, thanks to it being a very forgiving fluid in the face of high temperatures, contamination and oxidation.

Enhanced safety and reduced toxicity

Paratherm HE is also non-toxic, unlike synthetic fluids, which tend to be moderately toxic, so it helps improve safety for your workers. Overheating is a very real possibility in thermal oil systems, and some synthetic aromatic fluids can cause small amounts of benzene gas to accumulate in the expansion tank in such cases. This means you may need to vent the expansion tank to the outside air. You might also want to evaluate the toxicity level of a synthetic fluid to assess whether it may potentially harm the skin of your workers.

Safe and easy disposal

When it comes to disposal, extensive bioassay testing has confirmed that Paratherm HE is safe and easy to dispose of, compared to synthetics, which must be treated as hazardous waste and disposed of in expensive certified facilities. Indeed, Paratherm HE can be pooled together with spent lubricants and sent to a recycler for use in new products, thereby helping to save our limited natural resources. It can also be safely combusted for its energy value. In cases of accidental discharge, simple procedures like standard skimming can be employed to clean it up.

Less odor

Paratherm HE is also virtually odourless, unlike synthetic equivalents, which can sometimes have a strong odour that lingers on clothing.

Suitable for a broad range of applications

It is suitable for a wide variety of challenging applications, such as heating flatwork laundry ironers, heating platen laminating presses, controlling chemical reactors’ temperatures, and heating viscous fluids on board barges and ships or in storage tanks. The fluid has been approved by most manufacturers of thermal fluid systems.

Find out more about the different applications of Paratherm heat transfer fluids or shop the range online today.

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