The selection of a lubricant is only straightforward when a consumer has acquired some basic knowledge about the topic. Of course, there are some trustworthy suppliers like Fuchs and Shell. A poor choice may still be made however, if the properties of a product are not properly understood. Hence it makes sense to research the precise meanings of terms like viscosity. Not everyone is familiar with the word, so clearing up any confusion is prudent.
Understanding viscosity
The thickness of a lubricant is captured by the term viscosity. It can be assessed by the use of measurements, in this context the weight of the oil is seen as relevant. A thick lubricant is likely to be more viscous than a thinner alternative. How important viscosity is will depend on the circumstances in which the product is likely to be employed.
The impact of extreme conditions
It is quite widely known that temperature changes can affect the viscosity of an oil product. For instance, the viscosity of engine oil can be transformed by altering heat patterns. Extreme conditions can have a big influence on fuel economy because more energy could be necessary for the pump to be moved.
If the engine oil is not viscous enough then this could have a negative effect in terms of greater maintenance issues. It may be possible to intervene, so people should watch out for warning signs like extra wear. Similar viscosity results can be observed in contexts where the oil is being used for different purposes. One potential way forward is for multigrade oil to be utilised. This type of oil behaves variously at diverse temperatures.
Complexity is a critical factor
It must be made clear that some oils do not respond to temperature changes in the classic ways which have been outlined. This is the consequence of substances having the capacity to offer resistance to fluctuations in temperature.
A great example of a product with the ability to retain its customary viscosity has been produced by Fuchs. This organisation has come up with fork oils which are able to withstand considerable temperature shifts. These fork oils are classed as scoring highly in terms of the viscosity index. Arbitrary numbers are provided to oils which feature in this context, but high scores signal resilience.
Ageing stability is relevant
Fuchs has designed a range of oils specifically intended to promote ageing stability. These oils change little to improve overall performance, fuel consumption, start-up performance and oil consumption. Oil circulation can also be enhanced with this technology. Heavy vehicles and ordinary cars can work efficiently by using these versatile oils.