As anyone working within industry would know, greases perform variously at different temperatures. Some types of grease can operate effectively at low temperatures, while others cannot. Similarly, not all greases can cope when exposed to really high temperatures. Hence it is a really important task for a firm to select appropriate grease for its precise requirements.
Luckily, manufacturers have come up with products that are up to the challenge. For instance, Fuchs, a German lubricant manufacturer, has devised an anti-seize paste that is able to withstand great heat. It might not meet the needs of every organisation however, so it makes sense to explore grease selection in more depth.
There are several criteria to consider
When considering particular products, it is constructive to think about some of the criteria that apply to the eventual choice. With regard to grease, it is insufficient to think of cost and quality alone. It is critical to evaluate potential selections in terms of oil type, thickener type, viscosity, composition stability, and viscosity index.
It is complicated
It is prudent to acknowledge the complex nature of decision making in this area. As there can be issues of incompatibility, it is a mistake to gloss over potential problems. It is much better to look into them and ask any questions as necessary. In this way, sourcing can be undertaken in a way that is likely to lead to a positive outcome.
Heat resistance might not be the only goal
It is imperative to reflect on the point that a grease product will have other functions as well as dealing with heat. For instance, grease could be compelled to resist water wash. Equally, it might be obliged to sustain mechanical stability. Taking an eye off the ball when it comes to selecting grease could appear to be a blunder typical of a novice, but it is vital not to be complacent when the basics are appreciated.
Two possible causes of product degradation
Most purchasers of grease that will be working in high temperature environments want grease which will fulfil certain expectations. It might not be practical or desirable for grease to work well in the short-term only. As a result, it could be shrewd to check out the different ways a product can be vulnerable.
Firstly, grease can be prone to mechanical stress stability. Secondly, grease can be affected by oxidative stresses. It is hard to avoid products being undermined by such pressures in many circumstances because oxidative stress can have an unfortunate impact due to the presence of air. Any product acquisition therefore, should weigh up any risks associated with such factors.