Morris Workshop Pro MD4 Maintenance Spray – 12 x 400ml

Morris Lubricants

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SKU: 22687 Category:


Morris Workshop Pro MD-4 is an effective, damp start and penetrating fluid with outstanding corrosion protection properties. When applied to wet parts the chemistry of MD-4 has a powerful attraction to the underlying surfaces and this completely displaces traces of water. Therefore this product is particularly useful as an engine damp start. Using the aerosol version, a short spray on to the affected parts will displace any wetness and prevent voltage breakdown, allowing the engine to be started again normally.

MD-4 is also an effective penetrating fluid for freeing all seized and corroded metal parts. It has been designed with a very low surface tension, which gives it excellent penetrating power, and this, coupled with superior solvent and lubricating properties enables the most inaccessible corroded parts to be speedily dismantled. The residual oil film acts as a rust and corrosion preventative on the disassembled parts and helps reassembly.


As a damp start, aerosol version. One short spray of 2-3 seconds on the plugs, leads, and distributor cap will displace moisture and allow starting. As a penetrating oil. Heavily corroded and seized parts should first be freed of scale, rust and paint by wire brushing. The parts should then be left to soak for as long as practical, and in severe cases, preferably overnight. Should be used whenever difficulties in dismantling due to rust, corrosion and seized parts are anticipated.

Additional information

Weight 5 kg