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Five industries where lubricating oil is used

Lubricating oil is used in numerous business sectors all over the world, with new products continually being developed and introduced by the major oil and lubricant companies.

The use of high-quality lubricants means that machinery works more efficiently, requires less maintenance and lasts longer, all of which helps businesses to reduce their costs. Here are just five of the industries for which lubricating oil is essential:

1. Energy

Lubricating oil is used in both the traditional and renewable energy sectors. The use of lubricants can improve equipment performance and reduce downtime, whether a business creates energy from wind, gas, coal, nuclear, or solar power.

Lubricants are also used in industries that explore areas for coal and gas, as well as those that produce it for use as fuel. Inside wind turbines, lubricants and greases are required to protect gears and bearings from wear, while ensuring that they perform efficiently. In nuclear power plants, the oils play a vital role in keeping pumps, motors, turbines, and other equipment running smoothly.

2. Pulp and paper

Businesses that produce fine papers, corrugated cardboard or even newsprint all require machinery that works constantly at high speeds and temperatures.

This means that equipment is always working under pressure, so oils, which can lubricate and protect bearings, gears and hydraulic systems, can help to keep machinery operational for as long as possible, as well as reducing operating expenses.

3. Manufacturing

Whether businesses are involved in metal machining, plastics manufacturing or food and beverage production, lubricating oils are crucial for manufacturing plants. The food and drink industry is a special case, because any lubricants used must not be allowed to contaminate the products, which are intended for human consumption.

If there is a risk that oils and greases could come in to contact with food, then it is a government requirement that companies use NSF H1 registered lubricants. For all manufacturing businesses, choosing appropriate lubricants should increase productivity and minimise downtime.

4. Mining

In the mining sector, lubricants are vital in order to ensure machinery runs efficiently and to avoid equipment breaking down. A variety of lubricants have been formulated to suit all kinds of mining processes, including crushing and drilling, as well as the use of haul trucks and shovels.

Whether businesses are mining coal or minerals, the potentially severe conditions involved requires robust greases and oils that will help machinery to operate in a wide range of temperatures.

5. Iron and steel

Machinery used in the iron and steel manufacturing industries has to be able to withstand some of the harshest conditions, including heavy loads and extremely high temperatures.

The right lubricants can help to keep equipment functioning and increase productivity as far as possible. Inside steel and iron mills, oils and greases prolong the life of machinery and improve its energy efficiency. Greases are applied to bearings to reduce wear and offer protection under extreme conditions, while gear oils enable gearboxes to function optimally. If businesses select lubricants that are long-lasting, this can also help to reduce costs.

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