The Germany-based lubricant maker Fuchs has launched a new marketing campaign aimed at improving awareness of its brand around the world.
Fuchs has been providing innovative lubrication solutions like gear oil, grease, and compressor oil for almost a century. It has 34 production sites and a workforce of more than 6,000 people. It already has operating companies in more than 6,000 countries, and the “Moving Your World” campaign will seek to build on this.
Clue One, a technology and strategy consultancy based in Hamburg, worked with Fuchs on the out-of-home campaign, which will employ advertising in five continents through 12 international airports. The campaign seeks to raise people’s awareness of how Fuchs’ innovative products literally keep the world moving.
Fuchs’ vice president for communications and corporate marketing, Tina Vogel, said that the company was stressing the importance of building long-term partnerships as it engages in the process of forming a strong brand with global reach, adding:
“The emotional statement Moving Your World also describes our purpose and helps us stand out from the crowd, highlighting what we stand for and why we do what we do: keeping the world of our customers moving and advancing it ever forward.”
The company also recently changed its official name from Fuchs Petrolub SE to Fuchs SE to reflect the fact that modern lubricants are not necessarily derived from petroleum. The company is also focusing on the three growing megatrends of sustainability, digitalization, and mobility as part of its Fuchs2025 strategy for the future.