Using the right lubricant for your vehicle’s engine is essential to optimise the performance and lifespan of your car. The best way to ensure that the best oil is used is to follow the recommendations from the motor’s manufacturer.
Many car firms also work together with major oil manufacturers such as Shell, Fuchs and Q8 too. Collaborating to deliver a lubricant that is tailored to how a particular engine works, their actions can have a significant effect on the performance of machinery.
Here are a few examples of how major manufacturers work with oil producers to ensure that your motor continues to purr beautifully:
This German car manufacturer demands that its machines use synthetic engine oil, which delivers optimum working at low and high temperatures, while offering the greatest level of performance. Using fully synthetic oils also ensures greater fuel efficiency, lowering overall motoring costs.
To enable oil companies to make the right specification, Mercedes-Benz issues advice stipulating which lubricant goes with each engine. The firm does this through the issuing of sheet numbers. This figure should be listed on the engine oil, along with its performance, specification and viscosity rating.
The other major German car maker, BMW, also pre-approves engine oils to ensure that its customers get the best performance from their motors. Typically, synthetic lubricants are again recommended, with special long-life oils developed for many years.
These long-life engine lubricants are recognisable through a letter, denoting BMW’s approval. For example, Longlife-98 oils were recommended for cars made before 2002. Since then, Longlife-01 and Longlife-04 have come into being. However, all later oils approved by BMW are able to be used on engines pre-dating 2002.
Adding to the mix
As well as working with car companies to ensure that oils are developed to meet the growing demand of modern engines, further improvements are always being made in the industry. Greater refinement and the enhancement of synthetic oils have improved temperature ranges, viscosity and performance. However, adding things to the oil has also helped a great deal.
These additives are highly developed chemical agents. As well as adding their own qualities, they also optimise the existing properties contained within the natural mineral oils.
In particular, improvements have been made to lubricants to extend the lifespan of an engine, reduce the levels of wear and tear, and help with the cleaning and removal of harmful debris and deposits.