Mobil Vactra Oil Number 3 is a premium quality slideway oil crafted for use with precision machine tools. Vactra 3 is part of a series of Mobil oils carefully designed to meet the requirements expected in terms of system protection, aqueous coolant separability and accuracy.
This oil combines the best base stocks with high performance additive technology to give it desirable features such as excellent levels of protection against corrosion and foaming.
Vactra Oil No. 3 has low frictional characteristics, enabling it to perform to the highest standards and assist in enhancing operating speeds and accuracy through a smoother motion. This in turn, prolongs the working life of machinery.
Other features of Mobil Vactra 3 include:
Outstanding performance
Mobil Vactra Oil Number 3 offers top performance levels, specifically with high load carrying applications. This can help to improve machinery performance by protecting against cross contamination, making lubricants and coolants more effective. This can then have a positive effect on the length of a machine’s service life.
Protection against corrosion and rust
Another feature of the Mobil Vactra range is its protective qualities. It helps to prevent both corrosion and rust, thus reducing the deterioration of sliding surfaces that often come into contact with water or other aqueous coolants. This can contribute to a longer machine life as well as a reduction in downtime and any maintenance costs.
What are the main applications for Mobil Vactra 3?
Mobil highly recommends this product for use with applications involving machine tool slideway systems. Vactra Oil No. 3 was designed to ensure suitable lubrication of machinery made from steel, cast iron and other materials. It can also be applied in different ways, from manual application, to flood applications or via a force-feed lubricator.
The product is suitable for large machinery where conditions involve high levels of pressure and precision is needed. It can be used with vertical and inclined slideways.
Buy from us
Mobil Vactra Oil Number 3 is a quality oil available at Oil Store. Why not enquire about purchasing this product with our team today?