Nynas Nytro Gemini X
Nynas Nytro Gemini X is an inhibited transformer oil. It confirms to the IEC 60296 Edition 4 and is of a high grade. It has a low viscosity to make sure that heat can be effieciently removed from the core or windings of a transformer. Its viscosity idex allows for excellent heat transfer. The product has passed the below corrosion tests:
DIN 51353
ASTM D1275
IEC 62535
Nynas, the manufacturer of this product, created Nytro Gemini X to be used with electrical equipment filled with oil, such as rectifiers, switchgears, power transformers and circuit breakers. It can start at a low temperature without requiring pour point depressants. It has a good dielectric strength to ensure it excels in the toughest conditions.
The technical data sheet for Nytro Gemini X can be found here. Should you require more information about this, or any product sold by Oil Store, then contact our sales department.