Klüber Lubrication has promoted the benefits of its leading solutions at the India ComVac Show 2023, a trade fair for the compressor and vacuum industry.
The company chose to emphasise how important it is to select an appropriate compressor oil. This is particularly true for high-speed screw-type and rotary vane compressors that operate at high pressures and temperatures. Kluber claims that its advanced synthetic lubricant solutions with their leading-edge formulation of base oils and additives help machines to work reliably, for longer.
Kluber showcased its Summit SH 46 and 68, which are holistic solutions for screw-type, oil-injected compressors that can facilitate a longer service life for critical components with minimal leaking and longer intervals for oil changes. Kluber also showed off its air compressor oil Summit PS 200, which is semi-synthetic, and can provide up to 5,000 operational hours of efficient and stable performance.
The company also promoted its Summit Varnasolv cleaning solution. It said this cleaning concentrate fluid effectively dissolves carbon and other residues that can build up over time, thereby improving energy efficiency and reducing maintenance and downtime costs.
Kluber highlighted its sustainability credentials, having recently been awarded the sustainability gold medal from EcoVadis for its efforts to contribute to a more sustainable world by reducing its carbon emissions. Kluber’s Hitendra Bhargava also pointed to the efforts it has made at its Mysore production plant, which currently sources over half its power from solar panels and other renewable energy sources.