Together with ENGIE, Anthony Veder and Vopak, Shell has made a deal to investigate whether it will be feasible to produce green hydrogen in Portugal and then liquefy it for transport to the Netherlands for onwards distribution in Western Europe.
Much like with natural gas, liquefying hydrogen could make it feasible to transport it by tanker rather than needing to build new pipelines. Shell says it will work with ENGIE throughout the value chain, while storage, shipping and distribution will be the focus of Vopak and Anthony Veder.
Initial testing will focus on the viability of producing about 100 tonnes of liquid hydrogen a day and storing and transporting it. If successful, the project will deliver its first liquid hydrogen shipment from the industrial zone around the port of Sines to Rotterdam by 2027.
The potential of liquid hydrogen goes further in that it can also be used directly as fuel. For example, Daimler Truck AG’s Head of Truck Technology, Dr. Andreas Gorbach, said about this:
“We consider liquid hydrogen as a key solution to import renewable energy into markets such as the Netherlands or Germany. We are developing the next generation of trucks which can use liquid hydrogen directly.”
In addition to being a supplier of energy and fuel, Shell also makes a wide range of advanced lubricant products, such as the Shell Naturelle range of biodegradable lubricants. If you’re interested in procuring any of these, get in touch with our helpful team at TrAchem to learn more.