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Tips for a smarter approach to lubrication

Employing effective methods of lubrication onsite can provide numerous benefits. You might be looking for simpler, more streamlined ways of using the oils and greases you buy or looking to save money on how much you are spending, but either way, efficiency is a key concern for many companies when it comes to lubricants. In the following sections, we’ll look at some helpful hints that can help you achieve a smarter way of working with lubricants in your operation.

Picking the correct lubricant can mitigate energy loss

Using an efficiency-raising oil can result in energy loss being reduced by as much as 20 per cent. This is because, when efficiency improves, the number of kilowatt hours generated increases, enhancing profitability. Additionally, these oils can be found with a long lifespan. With oils that can last up to 10 years at a time, savings on maintenance, as well as less energy loss, can be achieved.

Selecting a versatile grease makes sense

Grease is a far more viscous lubricant than oil, as it contains a dedicated thickener. This thickening agent behaves like a sponge and holds the base oil and its individual additives together. Many greases can be used for an extensive range of applications. This means that, while you might be using a long list of different grease products, you could select one single product that is adaptable and reduce your running costs.

Today’s advanced greases are now based on polymers, making them both alkali and acid resistant. This means they are not easily rinsed away, making for longer intervals between applications and substantial savings.

Using full synthetic oil can reduce cold-start engine wear

An entirely natural mineral oil tends to become more viscous at lower temperatures, making its lubricating capability far less. The result of this is a rise in both temperature and pressure, along with greater stress on the dedicated oil pump and an increase of wear on other machine parts.

By comparison, a full synthetic oil, has a much lower viscosity index. This enables it to flow freely and keep its lubricity in exceptionally cold temperatures – even as low as -30 degrees Celsius.

Always resist over-lubricating equipment

Studies indicate that around 30 to 40 per cent of equipment failure can be connected to over-lubrication. In order to sidestep this prevalent problem, it is critical that those performing lubrication changes always use the correct amount of oil or grease, and that lubrication is carried out at the proper time.

Contrary to popular belief, more lubrication is not necessarily better – in fact, over-lubrication can quickly lead to serious problems. It can result in increased temperatures that age greases and oils far quicker, making them thicken prematurely. This, in turn, puts increased strain on a machine’s engineering.

Keeping a strict schedule for lubrication will ensure that you never over lubricate equipment. It’s worth remembering, however, that the hotter your operating temperatures are, the more frequently your lubrication intervals must be. In operating temperatures above 70 degrees Celsius, a rise of just 14 degrees Celsius will mean you need to lubricate twice as frequently.

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