Specially formulated slideway oils are produced by big brands like Q8, Mobil, Shell and Fuchs. Such lubricants are tailor made to cope with whatever level of precision and speed operations require, with selected additives that will ensure sleek and smooth processing every time.
Some slideway lubricants are specifically made for lubricating of tables of machinery, feed mechanisms and tool slides. Typically, these slideway oil formulas will be extra tacky, guaranteeing a superlative level of frictional performance. Wear and tear, water wash-off and the formation of sludge, deposits and corrosion are limited by using just the right lubricant. The result is reduced operational costs and lower equipment downtime.
Other slideway oils include low-friction formulas. These can contribute to a prolonged life for machinery as well as improving performance and productivity. Such oils will excel when subjected to heavy loads, and this reduces cross-contamination while improving quality. Sliding surfaces are protected, while corrosion and foaming are reduced.
Q8’s Dynobear and Heavibear ranges are oils designed for the lubrication of slideway systems and other factory tools, machines and heavy plant. The use of Dynobear formulas ensures low levels of friction, due to a specially developed compound present within the formulas. The additives are designed to eliminate juddering and sticking, and the oils have no tacky ingredients. The accumulation of grime, dust and dirt is thus minimised, as is wear and tear. Q8’s Dynobear products are available in various viscosity grades.
Q8 Heavibear oils are top quality lubricants specifically designed for lubricating machine tool slideways, and they can also dramatically minimise friction. These slideway oils perform well even when under extreme pressure, resulting in less wear. These formulas also include a tackiness agent to ensure oil retention. The layer of lubricant film is of great benefit where reciprocating parts, fast moving gears, and vertical slides are used. Like Dynobear, Heavibear formulas also eliminate juddering, stick slip and even scoring, and minimise corrosion and foaming.
The Mobil Vactra range comprises a number of top quality slideway oils offering equipment protection, aqueous coolant separability and accuracy for precision and high-production or pressure machine tools. They are recommended for their compatibility with machine tool slideway systems, and are excellent lubricants where there is cast iron or steel, for example.
Shell’s Tonna S3 M formulas are also specifically designed for lubricating tool slides, feed mechanisms and tables of machinery. The product is extra tacky, leading to an increased frictional performance, especially in the case of slideway systems. These formulas are perfect for low speed, high-precision processing.
Another set of slideway oils comes in the form of the Renep C series from Fuchs. These oils have been made to satisfy the precise requirements of machine tool slideways, offering great protection against wear and corrosion. They also supply adhesion to slideway systems. These Fuchs products are the ideal choice when using rock drills or pneumatic tools, as the formulas contain unique additives that allow the oil to flow freely, as well as creating a protective layer on moving surfaces.
Using the right slideway oil can make a lot of difference, whether the equipment concerned is a headstock and gear system or vertical or inclined slideways. With both types, productivity and precision are improved when using the best possible lubricant.